World of Warships Νέα Πλοία στο Update

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Patch Alert

Πριν από λίγη ώρα το World of Warships αναβαθμίστηκε στην έκδοση και με αυτή την προσθήκη έχουν αλλάξει αρκετά πράγματα μέσα στο παιχνίδι. Η μεγαλύτερη είδηση είναι πως προστέθηκαν νέα πλοία (Σοβιετικά) και Camuflage. Έγιναν, επίσης, αλλαγές στα είδη υπάρχοντα πλοία. Πολλές αλλαγές που έχουν κάνει στην War Gaming έχουν να κάνουν με τα bugs που υπήρχαν στο παιχνίδι αλλά και Fix 

world of warships soviet ships

New ships

Soviet cruisers added to the game client:

  • Novik (Tier II)
  • Bogatyr (Tier III)
  • Svetlana (Tier IV)
  • Kirov (Tier V)
  • Budeny (Tier VI)
  • Schors (Tier VII)
  • Chapaev (Tier VIII)
  • Dmitry Donskoy (Tier IX)
  • Moskva (Tier X)

Changes to existing ships

Visual changes have been done to the following ships:
  • Benson: SC radar replaced with RC2 radar on top hulls; fixed hull numbering visuals on the starboard side of top hulls
  • Kiev and Ognevoi: removed Vimpel 2D (AA radar) from stabilised sighting station
  • Mikhail Kutuzov: Added life rafts and Shtag B directors to 2nd and 3rd main battery turrets; radar animation changed
  • Ranger: texture slightly changed
  • Zao: Catapult’s animation angles slightly changed to remove artifacts where it intersected with the geometry of a crane
  • Langley: Minor visual changes
  • Hindenburg: Minor visual changes
Minor visual changes to turrets has been done to the following ships:
  • Benson, Kamikaze, Udaloy, Tirpitz, Hindenburg, Roon
Balance changes to the following ships:
  • For Yubari, fixed the deck armour characteristics displayed in Port.
  • For Bogue, increased the number of aircraft displayed on the deck.
  • Firing range of Myoko was decreased by 0.5 km.
  • Firing range of Mogami was increased by 0.6 km (when the Type 8 mod. 2 GFCS is mounted).
  • Fixed an error with the Hull B of destroyer Farragut . Now if her magazine is damaged but there is no detonation, this damage will not incapacitate the guns that have their ammunition delivered from this magazine.


Added two new camos:
  • Type 5 Camo: Gives both bonuses to concealment (3%) and accuracy decreases for enemies that fire at this ship (4%)
  • Type 6 Camo: gives same bonuses as Type 5 and in addition improves the experience earned in battle (2x improvement)
Other changes to camouflage
  • All permanent camos (including Premium ship camo) now also give bonuses for concealment and accuracy decreases for enemy ships
  • Special camos (Halloween camo, Ranked battles camos, New Year camos) now also give bonuses for concealment and accuracy decreases for enemy ships
  • Permanent camos of upgradable ships now also give additional discounts to repair costs (10% for Tier IX ships, 5% for other Tier ships)
  • For consistency reasons, the numeric numbers of some camo titles were changed

Other changes and fixes

  • Implemented the possibility of issuing special offers for individual players through the port interface. The system is running in test mode
  • Fixed the absence of the “loading” icon after making any action with the team (renaming, etc.)
  • The number of received signals and camouflages now is displayed correctly in the system messages
  • Fixed the possibility of the appearance of information screens with tips on functional modules and random battles, if the player has already used them
  • The “My Team” button now opens a proper tab, instead of the last open profile tab
  • Fixed an issue that caused the active flag install button to be active even if the ship was already locked
  • Fixed an issue, that caused experience bars to overlap portraits of the Arpeggio commanders
  • Fixed several bugs with the client files of the game, leading to the emergency shutdown of the client.
  • Fixed an issue, that caused characteristics in the hull tooltip to not take into account bonuses from the camouflage, and, vice versa, if the bonus was taken into account, even if the camouflage was already removed
  • Fixed an issue that caused the inability to make the first free team rename, if said team originally was created without a name
  • Fixed an issue that caused ship movement traces to remain on the water, even if the ship was already sunk
  • Fixed an issue that caused a black screen when attempting to login to the game
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Manual Fire Control for Anti Aircraft guns to not work properly in certain situations.
  • Fixed an error, which caused the Manual Fire Control for AA Armament skill to not work properly in some cases.
  • Improved placement of guns displayed on the current ship’s silhouette (in the lower left corner of the UI). Now the guns are more accurately aligned with the silhouette.
  • Added a separate indicator showing that the player’s ship is detected by the enemy using the Hydroacoustic Search consumable. In the future, a similar indicator will be added showing that the player’s ship is detected, by the enemy using the Surveillance Radarconsumable.

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